Atlanta Portrait Photographer Studio & Gear Walkthrough

I have way too much photography equipment. Scratch that — I have a lot of gear. Each piece serves a purpose too. Of course, there’s some overlap between a few pieces, but there’s nothing in my bag I don’t use. I have such a robust gear kit because I photograph portrait sessions on location, headshots of all different styles, personal branding, and the occasional wedding. That’s a lot, and each niche has different gear needs. Because of this, I’ve developed a kit that is flexible and multi-purpose. Or at least I’ve selected gear that offers as much of that as possible. 

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In the video below, I walk through my home studio and the gear in my kit. One, so you can see what it takes to create the images I’m known for, and two, to get an understanding of what I bring to the table for my clients to ensure they get an incredible experience. And if you’d rather just see the complete list of my must-have photography accessories, I’ve provided links to every single thing I use below.

My Essential Photography Studio Equipment & Office Gear

editing gear

Gear Bags & Photography Accessories

camera gear

Cameras, Lenses, Flashes, and More

Factors To Consider When Building A Photography Kit

As I mentioned earlier, the tenets of my kit are to be flexible, modular, and multi-purpose. I shoot a lot of different things. I don’t want gear that I can only use for one specific thing. That’s not economical and frankly, it takes up way too much space. 

Photography is not a cheap hobby, but buying good gear can last you for years. And that’s something important I want to mention, this kit took years to build. Whether by swapping out and upgrading, buying stuff outright, or simply having the photography income to finally justify some of the more expensive pieces (the new Canon RF lenses are DUMB expensive), it’s been in the making for 6+ years. 

If you see all of this and are intimidated, don’t be. I have the pieces I do so I can create the images I want to create. Your work may not need this much stuff (I hope for your sake it doesn’t). But if you love crazy creative, dramatic, and colorful images like what I create then get ready to invest in some products and yourself. 

If you have any questions about the gear I use: why I use it, what are some alternatives, what you need specifically for certain niches of photography; please ask them below, DM me on Instagram, or email me at

based in Atlanta and interested in working together?

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